6 producers, 18 tracks, 3x 12inch vinyl releases, Edition: 150 with inserts: Pigment Print, 300g Fine Art paper, Font: Binnenland / 150 without inserts
Concept & Layout: Markus Oberndorfer Buy Bundle: Bandcamp / HHV Distribution: Darkroom Debuts Digital distribution: The Content Label
© Markus Oberndorfer 2018 © Darkroom Debuts 2018 © All Featured Artists 2018 © Akromégalie Records 2018 © The Content Label 2018 All tracks mastered by Flip
Sequence Frame- & Rhythm Sections:
DROOM-01: Sunset Tower: Parental & Sirlensalot DROOM-02: Tower Records: Devaloop & Lex (de Kalhex) DROOM-03: Whisky A Go Go: Kompact & Dday One
This vinyl release is part of my extensive REVISITED project. It consists of 360 video, media installation, photography, collage, artist book... and soundtrack. As an object each record of this soundtrack represents a certain slice of time and space defined by the sequence frame depicted on the insert you hold in your hands. By sliding an insert into the sleeve the center label cut-out reveals either the front or back perspective of the image. For the soundtrack I invited befriended musicians. Their exclusive contributions represent their interpretations of the 360 videos and the ambience they wanted to add to them. The aim of my audio-visual concept being: The reflection of "the creative potential of sound as a medium that generates atmospheres and alters perception". (Markus Oberndorfer)
The record also has an AUGMENTED REALITY extension. When placing your phone in front of the "Sunset Tower" cut outs (or the little fold out coming with the deluxe version of the records) while using the Artivive App, you can screen the sequence you own a slice of. 150 records = 5 seconds of 360 video sequence frames. Watch the videos and you will immediately see what I mean. This feature also works for some, but not all of the other two vinyl's ("Tower Records" and "Whisky A Go Go") cut outs. I hope to resolve this issue soon when I have time.
The Find Mag: "Intriguing project by visual artist Markus Oberndorfer: his media art project REVISITED featured 360-degree video, a media installation, photography, collages, and an art book. Six befriended musicians made three beats interpreting the 360-degree videos recorded in Los Angeles. The instrumental soundtrack features tracks by Dday One, Lex, Parental, Devaloop, Kompact, and himself under the moniker of Sirlensalot. The OST is part of the virtual experience: each record of the 3×12″ deluxe vinyl bundle includes one-of-a-kind fine art prints with a 360-degree video frame printed on it. When sliding your insert into the sleeve, the center label cut-out reveals either the front- or back perspective of your 360-degree panorama video frame. All 150 records aligned would be comparable with 150 pages of a flip-book. [...]
Vinyl-41: "360 Grad Videos? Medien-Installationen? Photographien? Collagen? Künstlerbuch? Beats? Vinyl? Passt das zusammen? REVISIT OST zeigt ganz deutlich das es passt. Das Projekt von Markus Oberndorfer ist für mich eine total neue Erfahrung. [...] Vom visuellen Ausmaß her ist das Paket vom Label Darkroom Debuts das bisher umfangreichste und kreativste im Plattenregal des Vinyl-41-HQ. Wenn vom Weihnachtsgeld noch etwas übrig sein sollte, dann gönnt euch dieses Schmuckstück aka „Unique Deluxe 3x12inch bundle“. Erhältlich ist das gebündelte Werk bei Bandcamp oder bei HHV Records. [...] Fenster runterkurbeln, Ellbogen raus und aufgedreht ;-) Prädikat: Exzellenter Soundtrack für ein brilliantes Projekt.
O Sótao: "The urban feelings through the beatmaking artistry of these six producers involved us from track uno, never losing consistency which is quite impressive due to the different hands forming the piece. This project drops with the seal of the newly created label Darkroom Debuts." [...]
HHV Mag:"Darkroom Debuts: Beatmaker Stelldichein" [...] »Revisit OST« entstand auf Anregung des österreichischen Künstlers Markus Oberndorfer im Rahmen seines Projektes »Revisited«, welches 360 Videos, Medien-Installationen, Photographien, Collagen sowie ein Künstlerbuch beinhaltet. Dazu lud Oberndorfer sechs befreundete Musiker ein, um jeweils drei Tracks für den Soundtrack zu den auf dem Sunset Strip aufgenommenen Videos zu erstellen. Die Künstler: Devaloop, Lex, Parental, Sirlensalot, Kompact und Dday One. [...]